Causal Graph

In ObjectiveNet, possible changes are modelled as nodes in a graph, which may be connected together by edges.


Nodes are the main entities in a graph. They are conceived as possible changes for the purpose of ObjectiveNet. One can create or edit a node via the node info pane.

Every node must have the following attributes:

  • type, e.g., objectives, actions, and potentialities
  • title, to contain a short, one-line summary of the possible change
  • scope, which indicates where/to whom the change should apply

Additionally, the following attributes can be added to any node:

  • status, among live, draft, completed, legacy,
  • a list of tags,
  • a list of references,
  • a longer description,
  • a measure of the support level


Edges connect two nodes together, representing a causal relation in a loose way, in which one node would be enabling/causing/implying another.

Each edge may have the following attributes associated to it:

  • a list of references,
  • a longer description,
  • a measure causal strength, encompassing both aspects of necessity and sufficiency.